The Anahata Way
Everyone deserves peace. Self compassion. Self love. And yet sometimes these are the hardest things to find. Especially if you have a history. Here we use yoga in it's whole; mindfulness, meditation, engagement of the senses, intentional movement, breathwork, balance and stillness to bring the body and mind back into harmony.
Anahata means unhurt, unstruck and unbeaten in sanskrit. It is also the name given to the heart chakra, which is what we aim to heal with these practises. In doing so we can open ourselves and our lives back up to the beauty that exists all around us. You won't find any fast paced asanas here, simply flows that are designed to bring the mind and body back into connection with one another.

Yin, or yang to yin yoga
Especially good for trauma and eating disorder sufferers, though those with ADHD also benefit from the concentrated stillness of the poses. Here gentle poses are held for 3-8 minutes allowing the targeted body part to really release the emotions stored there. In some sessions we will begin with balances, to activate the brain and slightly shorter yang poses to activate certain body parts before we bring calm back to the nervous system. Aromatherapy (by consent) and soothing sounds are used to stimulate the senses. We will end with (optional) rose tea or cacao to soothe the heart.
Classes will begin mid February and will be suitable for all levels. They will be mat based initially and are offered by donation to be inclusive for all. 1 to 1.5 hours in length. Please do bring your own mat if you have one. Contact me or check the Facebook page for up to date information.

Aerial Yoga
Aerial is fabulous for ADHD sufferers, as it combines adrenalin releasing poses with deep concentration, providing a novel path to mindfulness for those that struggle with more traditional paths to calm. Aerial is also great for anyone looking to increase their self love, building strength of not only the body but also the mind. When we are strong on the mat we can see our way to being strong in the world too.
Class times and location TBC, suitable for complete beginners.

Half day offerings
This is where I really hope to let my passion for healing shine through. These half day events will incorporate longer meditation and mindfulness sessions, guided self exploration, trauma wisdom offerings, yang to yin yoga, grounding exercises and breathwork and a community experience sharing circle. I truly hope these events will foster a deep sense of community and connectedness for us all, but do also understand how this could feel intimidating for some. Please know that I am here for you and I hear you. I expect no more than for the people I share my time with to feel at peace with themselves and I will respect all paces and boundaries in anything that is offered.
Dates and location TBC

Yoga for kids
This is an offering that is a little way off yet, so do get in touch if you would like to explore the benefits of mindful yoga with your children. Whether at home or in a class I am keen to explore the ways we can help our little ones navigate the world with peace in their hearts.
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